Expert advice tailored to your needs

In depth support and analysis
Specialising in impact narratives and evaluation I am one of the most experienced public engagement with research professionals in the UK with over a decade of experience as practitioner, manager and evaluator of PE. Specialising in impact narratives and evaluation I develop engagement strategies, evaluation plans and support REF Case Study development.
Ready for REF
I am regarded as one of the leading experts in the evaluation and have a current portfolio of potential REF Impact Case Studies. Working closely with project leads I ensure robust evidence to support the impact narratives set forth in the case study.
Firstly, all potential impact narratives are explored and articulated. Then I develop a corresponding evaluation strategy with the supporting evidence required to support the narrative. This is then developed in to an evaluation plan detailing where and how the supporting evidence will be captured.
My approach
Value and Direction
My expertise goes beyond the academic having worked in both the charity and the private sectors as an evaluation consultant. In one of my most rewarding projects I spent six months as a residential consultant for Visibility where I assessed the sense of community among visually impaired adults. The report I produced provided robust evidence informed recommendations for the charity as well as local and national government.
Working with me
If you are working on a project which you feel could benefit from clearer strategic direction or an enhanced engagement plan then please get in touch.