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  • 23rd June: Museums
    Speakers Dan Vo, Volunteer LGBTQ Tour Coordinator, (@DanNouveau) Florence Schechter, Director and founder of @vagina_museum (@floschechter) Stephen Welsh, curator and consultant (@stxwelsh) Links All-Party Parliamentary Group on Diversity and Inclusion in STEM (link) Final call for Being Human proposals (link) Donate here to support the Vagina Museum and help keep it open (link) Socially conscious and engaged curatorial practice (link)
  • 19th June: Wikipedia
    Speakers Dr Claire Murray, Scientist at @DiamondLightSou and wiki contributor (@drclairemurray) Dr Alice White, digital editor and Wikimedian at Wellcome (@HistorianAlice) Dr Emma Bridges, Public Engagement Fellow, Institute of Classical Studies (@emmabridges) Dr Jessica Wade, Research Assocaite, Imperial College London (@jesswade) Notes from discussion Links from Jess Wikipedia edit-a-thon for the Strike for Black Lives dashboard with instructional links (link) Video tutorial (link) Links from Emma Wikipedia Women’s Classical Commitee #WCCWiki (link) Report by Wikimedian Richard Nevell on the impact of #WCCWiki (link) Guardian article by one of #WCCWiki co-founders, Victoria Leonard, placing #WCCWiki in the context of Wikipedia’s wider gender imbalance (link) Recording of a talk about #WCCWiki which co-founders, Claire Millington, and Emma Bridges gave at the London Digital Classics seminar in 2018 (link) Systemic bias on Wikipedia (link) Article discussing how many women edit Wikipedia (link) Tool which allows you to look at number of Wikipedia biographies by gender in various languages (link) Links from the chat News BIG Event The BIG Event will run online this year, with event happening between 16th July and 6th August. It is free for BIG members (membership £30/some bursaries are available) (link) STEM Clubs week STEM Clubs Week is 22 – 26 June 2020 and the theme is sustainability. Brings you challenges, case studies, talks focused on sustainability topics delivered by Design Club and a fantastic range of STEM Ambassadors. (link) REF 2021 deadline announced The revised REF deadline has been announced, the submission deadline is now 31st March 2021. The timeframe for reported impact has also been extended and now runs until 31st Dec and not 31st July (link) APPG on Diversity in STEM launch report The Equity in STEM Education inquiry report launches on Tuesday 23 June 2020. The inquiry started in March 2019. A new inquiry will be launched later this summer (link)
  • 12th June: Teachers
    Speakers Kulvinder Johal, Primary Regional mentor for London, Science Teaching Trust, @kulvinderj Dr Kristy Turner, School Teacher Fellow at University of Manchester/Bolton School, @doc_kristy Dr Stephen Hendry, Education Coordinator (Scotland) Royal Society of Chemistry, @DrStephenHendry Notes from discussion Links from Kulvinder STFC’s Borrow the Moon (link) Royal Microscopical Society Microscope activity kits (link) Royal Academy of Culinary Arts, Adopt a School (link) STEM ambassador scheme (link) British Science Week activity packs (link) Primary Science Teaching Trust: Resources; STEM Clubs and Science fun at home Crest Awards (link) Medical Mavericks (link) Links from Stephen Find your local Royal Society of Chemistry Education Coordinator (link) Outreach opportunitiesJoin your Royal Society of Chemistry local section. Normally first point of call for engaging with outreach in your local area (link) Chemical sciences - Want to find out more about how to engage with schools effectively? Join our online training session on 16 June 11am-12pm (link) Submit ideas and concerns with the Royal Society of Chemistry policy team about teaching and teacher support plans moving forward (link) Outreach fund increase £2,000 to £5,000. We also have a large Outreach fund for projects up to £10,000 (link) Teacher Empowerment fund Professional development (£700) for teachers could link in with science communicators (link) Inclusion & Diversity fund - Projects related to gender, disability, socio-economic background, language, BAME scientists and the LGBT+ community (link) Links from the chat The Two Oceans Aquarium (South Africa) teaching staff have prepared some incredible on-line courses for June. Fins of fish (link); Junior biologist (link); Rocky shore biology (link); Principles of oceanography (link) via Russell Stevens Great Science Share on Tuesday 16th June - over 100,000 children worldwide signed up (link)For the opportunity to be involved in answering some of the amazing questions that children across Scotland have been asking as part of the Great Science Share email Paul Tyler. Via @Glazgow Royal Society Partnership Grants of up to £3,000 are available to schools to enable students, aged 5 – 18, to carry out science, technology, engineering, mathematics, computing or data science projects. (link) via @RuthPatchett1 Skype a Scientist (link) via @drkirstyross And the Skype a Scientist YouTube channel with an archive of scientists talking (link) via @Glazgow Pass The Mic – Women of Colour Commentators in Scotland (link) via @drkirstyross The twitter chat of #PrimarySTEMchat is driven by teachers worldwide via @Jonwoodscience Educational resources from The Royal Soc Biology (link) via @martyjopson Current CPD offer for teachers from the Institute of Physics (link) via @Sarah_Cosgriff News Word Oceans day: 8th June 2020: Incredible Oceans ran a special online show which had 4k people watching. They’ve also spent this week answering all 480 questions that came in over their facebook live you can catch up here via @Russell_Arnott The Royal Veterinary College Animal Academy launched yesterday! A brand new online programme to support young people from underrepresented backgrounds to reach their dreams of studying and working with animals (link) via @PunkBiologist Researchers from university of central Lancashire have published a working paper on the impact of school closures on primary science learning. Thread. Paper via@DocJBrown Coping with Covid Podcast talks to health professionals about working and studying during the pandemic (link) via @soozaphone Let's Talk About CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) podcast including one on helping teens during lockdown (link) via @lucy_maddox New paper on explaining lithium ion batteries through Jenga style game (link) @EHDriscoll Science is a Drag celebration of the queer side of STEM 19th August, tickets next week (link) via @scottishscicomm
  • 5th June: Citizen Science
    Speakers David Chapman, Programme Manager - Public Engagement, UKRI, @Davchap268 Vickie Curtis, Public Engagement Manager, Wellcome Centre for Molecular Parasitology, @Vickie_Curtis Alice Sheppard, Community Manager @UCL_ExCiteS, @PenguinGalaxy Notes from discussion Links from David Chapman UKRI PE Vision (link) UKRI CS Call (link) ECSA's Ten Principles of Citizen Science (link) ECSA's Characteristics of Citizen Science (link) Vickie Curtis Links Citizen Science: Theory and Practice journal (link) Human Computation (journal): It covers aspects of online citizen science, using games, and other types of crowdsourcing. Online Citizen Science and the Widening of Academia by Vickie Curtis (monograph). If anyone is interested in a section of Vickie's book she is happy to send on some of the content. Please get in touch with Vickie to discuss. It focuses on digital CS but covers common themes of motivation to participate, patterns of participation, and communities of practice. Citizen Science: how ordinary people are changing the face of discovery (monograph) by Caren Cooper. Really nice overview of the history and scope of CS by leading researcher. Citizen Science and Science Capital: a tool for practitioners (link) From 2015 but raises important issues. CS suffers from a lack of diversity within its base of participants. Citizen Inquiry: Synthesising science and inquiry learning (monograph) edited by Christothea Herodotou et al. Collection of papers on CS and learning edited by team from the OU. Institute for Research in Schools IRIS (link) A very successful organisation that brings authentic research into schools – citizen science in a formal educational setting. Platform for app-based CS projects (link) Links from Alice Sheppard Research UCL Extreme Citizen Science (link) EU-Citizen.Science (the training platform) (link) ECSAnVis (cocreation with indigenous people) (link) CinCity (knife crime in London) (link) The Citizen Science Translation Hub (link) Stories ECSAnVis StoryMap (link) “Peas in the Universe, Goodwill and a History of Zooite Collaboration on the Peas Project” (link) “A Week of IAmCitSci: Galaxy Zoo, UCL ExCites, EyesOnALZ, forum moderation and more” (link) Phoebe Hinton-Sheley The STEM Response Team at the University of Wolverhampton have released a Citizen Science Project as of 19th of May, which is where we are encouraging members of the public to get involved and send us data using a cool app called Google Science Journal. (link) Notes from discussion The Woodland Trust’s the Nature's Calendar citizen science project tracks the effects of weather and climate change on wildlife near you (link) Project Splatter collects data on the location of UK wildlife roadkill reported by members of the public (link) via @TheObeeReardon LEARNCitSci research study. The Learning and Environmental science Agency Research Network for Citizen Science (LEARN CitSci) Project is a four-year international collaborative research project that aims to understand how young people develop Environmental Science Agency through their participation in Citizen Science programs at Natural History Museums (link) via @deanveall Physics Research in School Environments programme (link) vis @martinarcher Characteristics of citizen science webinar (link) via @deanveall Parenting Science Gang (link) How co-creating research changed PSG's participants - it's not about their environmental behaviour, but affected their parenting and interactions with healthcare professionals (link) The Parenting Science Gang’s overview paper about the project (link) via @sophiacol A great paper from ecsa on the characteristics of Cit Sci that also indicates the range of possibilities (link) via @Rick_Hall Another great paper about CitSci motivations (link) via Smriti Safaya Science Journal is the free digital science notebook brought to you by Google (link) via @RuthPatchett1 Story telling workshop by Duncan Yellowlees (@d_yellowlees) and Laura Evans (@NiftyFoxCreativ) on 11th June, 11-1pm, £25 (link) Black Lives Matter Information 'Superior: the return of race science' by Angela Saini availible for FREE as ebook or audiobook (just for this week, just for UK). Via @JoBrodie Kindle ebook (link) Audiobook (link) Donate to raise funds to distrubute copies of books advocating racial justice (link) Thread on the need for a UK Black Lives Matter movement (link) How to support black lives in the UK (link) via @thermoflynamics Thread on being inclusice and antiracist (link) Advice for being an ally (link) UK Actions and Resources (link) via @Divya_M_P and @PenguinGalaxy Discover some fantastic new people to follow on #BlackBirdersWeek & #BlackWomenWhoBird
  • 22nd May: Publishing PE
    Speakers Dr Martin Archer, Public Engagement & Outreach Officer, Queen Mary University London (@martinarcher) Sophie Duncan, Director of Business and Strategy, @NCCPE Dr Steph Januchowski-Hartley, Reseach Fellow, Swansea University (@ConnectedWaters) Notes from discussion Sophie Duncan Research for All journal Film about Research for All For information on how you can be involved with Reseach for All see here or get in touch with one of the NCCPE tream Examples of papers: Engaging young people in climate justice Link Can the research impact of broadcast programming be measured? Link Martin Archer Papers written by Martin Exploratory citizen science Link Commentary / landscape engagement Link Art-Science Engagement paper with non-standard narrative Link Steph Januchowski-Hartley Journals of relevance: Frontiers for young minds Link Public understanding of science Link Geoscience communication Link Consilience Journal, exploring the spaces where science and art meet Link Groups to connect with to find educators / researchers who might like to collaborate: Indisciplinary poetics @In_Poetics on Twitter The Association for Science Education Link Lifeology Link Links/updates from chat Siddharth Kankaria organises a journal club, from info see @scicommsci How to present qualitative evidence Link (Via Martin Archer) Contrasting evaluation and research Link (Via Martin Archer) On the publishing of interviews Link (Via Bentley) News Sticky Dot a science engagement organisation in Brussels is running online workshops about bringing public engagement online. (The first session is free and the rest are €79 each) Info and booking Evaluation workshops. Jamie Gallagher will be running 3-hour workshops looking at the theory and the practice of evaluation in public engagement. The workshop will be repeated three times and places are £30. Tuesday 16th (sold out), Wednesday 24th May and Thursday 2nd July. Info and booking ColorMePhD release HydrogeLand: A Candy-Filled Hydrogel Adventure. A free 2-in-1 board game/coloring page features chemical engineering research by women in STEM. Info and download I’m a Scientist running open, drop in chats. The next session is Friday 22nd May at 3pm Join the chat There is also an open call for a UKRI sponsored I’m a Scientist strand and application for scientists and technicians who are UKRI funded or use UKRI facilities or data are open now. Apply by 31st May info and applications Global Science show is running 22nd May until 8.30pm. Communicators from around the world have 10 minutes to share some interesting science before moving to someone else, over 12 hours the baton will be passed around the globe. Follow along on twitter Science Communication Research: an empirical field study analysis. New review which has examined the publication of science communication paper over the past 40 years. Info and free ebook
  • 15th May: Legacy and Evaluation
    Speaker Dr Jamie Gallagher Engagement trainer and consultant (@jamiebgall) Notes from discussion Papers in defence of the quantification of qualitative researchers (Via Martin Archer @martinarcher)Sandelowski, 2001 Sandelowski et al., 2009; Maxwell, 2010. Evalution training course with Jamie: Tuesday 16th June (£30) Twitter Analytic tools Twitter for academic research Evaluation Support Scotland The National Council for Voluntary Organisations (NCVO) Ethics advice: Bera (via Martin Archer) The British Science Association has a way to evaluate audiences engagement with science using their audience model. Via Anna Woolman Methods for capturing live time data from audiences Mentimeter (Via Helen Obee Reardon, @TheObeeReardon) and Kahoot From Emma Watson (@thescienceemma) : Hi from the ASPIRES project (the Science Capital people) - if anyone is evaluating with Science Capital in mind, we’d love to hear! or twitter (@_ScienceCapital) Science Engagement via Twitter: Examining the Educational Outreach of Museums, Zoos, Aquariums and Other Science Organizations (Via Rita Grácio) News UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) launch a new £1.5 million Citizen Science fund where universities and research institutes can bit for up to £375k to develop projects which involve citizens to address socially relevant issues. Webinar 20/5/20 Deadline 9/9/20 Info Scientists for Labour are looking for volunteers to help ensure the shadow cabinet have access to high quality advice. They are particularly keen to hear from immunologists at this time. Volunteers do not need to be members of the Labour party. For more info email Evaluation Works Scotland held a webinar on Evaluating in a time of change they also have some downloadable resources Webinar recording Resources The Maddox Prize submission deadline is extended until the 26th of May. It recognises someone who promotes science around difficult topics despite challenges or hostility The NCCPE's PEPTogether wants to hear stories from public engagement professionals! Email if you’d like to take part or for more info Fuel and Queen Mary University of London (QMUL) are seeking proposals from scientists whose research focuses on Global and Public Health to take part in a virtual residency with a curated pool of artists, resulting in 3 new creative projects Deadline 1st June. Deadline extended for Being Human Festival applications (now due by 29th May) for activities to happen in November. It is hoped that events can go ahead as planned as normal but there are contingency plans should that not be possible.
  • 8th May: Engagements highs and lows
    Virtual Science Speakeasy: Will the pandemic expose our climate hypocrisy? Date: 14 May 2020 Time: 8.30pm BST Organiser: Life Science Centre in Newcastle upon Tyne, UK British Ecological Society launch online training and resources. Bookable for anyone but members get a discount Diamond the Game Print and Play boardgame Women in Optics Wiki edit athon Sunday 10th May Global Science show 50 scientists from around the world passing the baton one to another for a full day of Sci Comm follow along with #GlobalScienceShow You get = a 5 mins slot You share = demos, info on your work & more You can = post vids, pics, GIFs, threads, links & more Museum from home on the BBC Sea Shambles as part of Royal Albert Home. Hosted by Robin Ince, Steve Backshall and Helen Czerski Sunday 17th May
  • 1st May: Podcast Production
    Guests Dr Brynley Pearlstone Podcaster (@BPearlstone) host @scicurious_pod Simon Watt: Science Communicator (@SimonDWatt), host @LevelUpHuman Matthew Tosh: Presenter with radio background (@MatthewTosh) News Online Events: NCCPE #PEPTogether online meetings move to fortnightly. The sessions for Public Engagement professionals run on Thursdays at 11:30am. The next session is 7th May and will look at the ethics of Engagement Incredible Oceans launches “Incredible Oceans TV” next show is Wednesday 6th May at 6pm @incredoceans Talking Maths is a biennial maths communication conference. This year it will take the form of 6 weekly events which started yesterday and will take place over the next 5 weeks on Thursdays at 3pm, register here for links SciCurious launches Social Distant Networking with group exercises. The first session is on Monday and is on Story Telling UniverSilly Challenged online pub quiz hosted by Simon Watt and Jonny Berliner, Sunday May 3rd, 8.30pm Open Calls Nominations open for John Maddox prize, the prize recognises the work of individuals who promote science and evidence, advancing the public discussion around difficult topics despite challenges or hostility. Nominations open until 11th May The Royal Society of Chemistry Outreach Fund is currently open for Small Grant applications to support public and schools engagement events and activities. Deadline Monday 11th May Other updates Science Gallery Dublin announce recipients of their Rapid Residences. This provides funding to local artists, creators and makers. These grant holders will explore ideas that investigate art and technology, science and society issues, local community and curiosity. @SciGalleryDub Ada Lovelace Live, due to take place in Oct, has been cancelled but the organisers are looking in to online activities. The day will still happen Podcasts New podcast Sci Comm Stories which has interviews with a member of the Sci Comm community @scicomm_stories Notes from Brynley You wanna start a science podcast during the lockdown? I suggest that oyu take a look at what’s out there first (Lewis’ study) Is there a corner for you? What’s your USP? What’s your goal? For you, for the individual listener, for the listening community at large? Think about the format. Monologue podcasts aren’t popular in general. 2 hosts talking are, but hard to keep track. Magazine syle shows popular and effective, but difficult to produce. Interview shows easy to do. Know your audience. Podcast audiences skew young, university educated and with a relatively comfortable level of income - Don’t necessarily have baseline knowledge. Bear in mind that you might have global listeners. They might not be your target audience and that’s okay. Example – STEM in the Gorbals – highly localised, interview style show with rotating hosts. Is this format sustainable after this? Consider that for every minute of recorded material, you’ll likely do more than a minute of editing, and usually about an hour of time publishing and publicising. Recording for 60 minutes, editing for 60+ minutes, pushing for 60 minutes. Now is a very good time to record a podcast – lots of free time, latent creative energy etc. But not the best time to release a podcast – listenership numbers down. That said, also probably a good time to engage people who don’t usually listen to podcasts. Notes from Matthew Some examples of portable recorders can be seen here To download Audacity (available for most operating systems), visit here Examples of royalty-free music libraries (there are many others!) here andhere Links from chat Why aren't you a doctor yet podcast STEM in the Gorbals podcast Global Science Show
  • 24th April: Accessible Engagement
    Guests Robyn Watson, Qualified Teacher of the Visually Impaired (@Robynwatson76) Samantha Durbin, currently on furlough from the Royal Institution and joining in personal capacity (@SamDurbin1) Dr Sarah Bearchell, Freelance Science Writer and Presenter (@SarahBearchell) News NERC (Natural Environment Research Council) announce new public engagement grant to fun projects between £10k and £50 which help understand or mitigate the Covid 19 crisis The Universities Partnerships Programme Foundation have funded 5 projects in their £100k for civic engagement. Decisions were made before the pandemic and there is expected to be a delay in implementation. Read about the funded projects here The Institute of Physics’ annual festival in Scotland plans to go ahead 30th Oct – 1st Nov. It has been renamed the Big Bounce and will take place in the Glasgow barras. Proposals are open until May 26th STFC Public Engagement Spark Awards are open. Up to £15k to highlight STFC’s work or introduce new audiences to STFC work. Open to anyone. Deadline 21st May Global Science show, 50 scientists from around the world passing the baton one to another for a full day of Sci Comm follow along with #GlobalScienceShow Discussion Paper plane launchers made by Richard Ellam, Ian Russell is also good for this kind of thing Royal Society of Chemistry accessiblity resources Potions video for Flamingo Chicks #SensoryScience project The Lightyear Foundation run a group for improving the science offer for people with SEN. Particularly for museums and science centres but also outreach activities. There's resource sharing and advice; with meetings every couple of months. They are on Facebook and LinkedIn A UoM blog on making an accessible science roadshow Video on accessibility for students with VI, it's embedded into the blog but this is the link to it Particle Physics designed for participants with a visual impairment, The Tactile Collider, @TactileCollider, Paper on creation and evaluation Social media help (Via@scottkeir) Picture description on TweetDeck Hootsuite Demonstration of how this works with screen readers Facebook attempts to provide automatic image description, which is often very basic, eg “Image may contain: man, beard”. It is possible to change text, as per the help article How do I edit the alternative text for a photo on Facebook? LinkedIn NVDA is a free screen reader Project was all about deaf heritage and working with deaf artists (via @dsmith_edi) This charity were at the Science Festivals Network discussing event accessibility for deaf people. They were brilliant and offer training (Via @fayewatson94) Science Sign Language & here (via @emmajnichols) Being Inclusive: What things should we be considering? by Sam Durbin Accessible Engagement by Jamie Gallagher Making your BIG session inclusive (via @scottishscicomm) WAVE website ccessibility audit tool is useful: (via @hannamsmyth) If you are interested in autism / neurodiversity these videos (and project) may be useful. (via @HFeatherstone) A set of activities Faye Watson developed with the Cardiff University Bioimaging Hub to engage partially sighted and blind people with pollen and their amazing shapes and adaptions! Additional infomation on Autism and senses via Lara Lewington ScienceCeilidh wrote a resource on working with groups with additional support needs with 3 activities and a general tips for approaching it on the last page. Via (@fiddleBrain) 10 tips poster for inclusive teaching. (via @Sarah_Cosgriff) and are two sites that list venue accessibility / provide venue guides. (Via@scottkeir) Guides to make zoom/ teams more accessible for the public (via @E_vVliet)
  • 17th April: School Engagement
    Guests Antony Poveda: I'm a Scientist get me out of here (@TonyToners) Sarah Cosgriff: Science Communicator and trainer (@Sarah_Cosgriff) Dr Sheila Kanani: Education, Outreach and Diversity officer at the Royal Astronomical Society (@SaturnSheila) News City Nature Challenge (Global nature detective activity) starts 24th April Being Human (festival of the humanities) releases online training guides (case studies) (training resources) New STEM in the Gorbals community produced podcast looking at mental health and wellbeing (listen here) (@GorbalsSTEM) Sam's Socially Distant Science Quiz, online evening Zoom quiz next edition Monday 20th April (info) British Science Festival Postponed until 2021 (info) REF Webinar on potential timetable to take place on Tue 21st April at 10am (info) Discussion Dr Mhairi Stewart, Head of public engagement with research at St Andrew's University offered to share the Safeguarding guidlines she prepared in conjuction with the NSPCC. For a copy of this please email Mhairi.
  • 10th April: Online Engagement
    Guests Dr Michaela Livingstone-Banks: Public Engagement Facilitator, Oxford Sparks (@a_n_s) News NCCPE publish guide to online events NCCPE Engage Academy, applications open, deadline 1st May Falling Walls conference (Berlin, Nov 2020) opens call for excellent science communication projects to be showcased Universities UK request financial support from the government Collaborative research project into mental health and lockdown is launched
  • 3rd April: Humanities and Science
    Guests Jo Durrant's, Radio Presenter (@jojo_durrant) Dallas Campbell, TV Presenter (@dallascampbell) Michael Eades, Manager Being Human Festival (@DrMichaelEades) News Stories Being Human, the national festival of the humanities (deadline extended) BIG Event in July cancelled BIG weekly twitter chat #SciCommHour #Museumfromhome daily online content from museum professionals Crest Awards, home based science activities with recordable milestones Cosmic Shambles Network launch "Stay at Home Festival" with daily talks ans shows Science podcast "Why aren't you a doctor yet?" launch new series Andrew Steele curated a list of science content for home schooling
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